CCB is a credit bureau that registers and shares credit related information of persons and small business (Kleinbedrijf) responsibly. CCB works closely with the credit issuing institutions and observes local privacy laws and international best practices to ensure professional and trustworthy registration and sharing of information.
CCB registers credit related information provided by participating institutions (our members) who can only be local institutions that extent credit. CCB makes a distinction between lending credit and trade credit. Lending credit are credits issued by institutions that have issuing of credit as a main business objective. Trade credit is credit that exist as part of a transaction of delivering goods or services and is not typically a main business objective of the institution, but part of a service to customers related to the main objectives.
Consumer credits
Consumer credits are submitted by members that extend credit to consumers.
SME credits
SME credits are distributed by members that extent credit to business. (note that SME credit registration is planned to go live in 2018)
Negative only registration
Trade credit is only registered on a negative experience basis, meaning, the credit only gets credit if the payment has become significantly overdue.
Trade credit Members only have access to credit reports showing negative registration, meaning credits that are in default, whether it be trade credit or lending credit. They are not able to share positive registration.
Positive registration
Lending credits are registered on a positive basis, meaning that they are also registered if there are no defaults; if such credits end up in default that status is are marked as well.
Positive registered credits that have not gone in default are only shared among members providing positive registration data. Trade credit members cannot retrieve reports showing credit that have not gone in default.